The Missfits 

Date of Event:
18-04-2024 18:00 PM
Rainbow Cinema
Ellie Wen

Thursday 18 April 2024 
At 6 PM
The Missfits 

Ellie Wen, 21 minutes, Documentary, in English with Arabic subtitles, USA, 2020.  

The Missfits follows an all-girls robotics team based in San Francisco that is taking on the male-dominated field of engineering. They are determined to show other girls how fun and rewarding STEM can be, one robot at a time. The documentary follows The Missfits as they confront growing pains, build their robot, and travel to competitions. The diverse team is made up of twenty girls from high schools around the Bay Area ranging in age from fifteen to eighteen and coming from a variety of backgrounds. Together, on the team, they build each other up and learn to embrace their own identities.